
Focus Group Discussion (First Session) “The Role of Women and Kitchens in Javanese Culture Today”

What efforts should be made so that Javanese culture can adapt to the phenomenon of gender equality?

Monday, November 15, 2021
19.00 – 21.30 WIB


Sri Margana – Lecturer
Baiq Wardhana – Lecturer
Dhyta Caturani – Gender Activist
Nining Elitos – General Chairperson of the Indonesian Trade Union Alliance Congress
Yasmine Aminanda – Observer, Gender Studies
Representatives of 7 female migrant workers of Klampisan, Banyuwangi
Jihan Fauziah – Moderator, Jakarta Legal Aid Institute
Lecture and Discussion Topics

• How does gender study address the two roles of women – “in the kitchen” and “outside the
• The history and current reality of Javanese culture about women and the kitchen.
• Hopes as Indonesian female migrant workers relating to the weakening of the role of women in
Javanese culture.
• What should be done by the country to accommodate knowledge/technology transfer obtained
by female migrant workers?

Focus Group Discussion (Second Session) “Policy and Gender Equality in Indonesian Workforce”

Based on the research we have done, there are many concerns such as contract mismatches, salary cuts, and the function of female migrant workers that come from the agency, what is the agency’s view regarding this?

Tuesday, November 16, 2021
19.00 – 21.30

Yeni Nuraeni – Indonesian Ministry of Manpower Researcher, Lecturer
Cahaya Adzan – Owner of PT AAD Pratama Karya, Female Migrant Workers Agency
Nining Elitos – General Chairperson of the Indonesian Trade Union Alliance Congress
Yasmine Aminanda – Observer, Gender Studies
Jihan Fauziah – Moderator, Jakarta Legal Aid Institute
Lecture and Discussion Topic

• How is the empowerment of post-working phase for female migrant workers that has been
carried out so far?
• Is there any assistance from BNP2TKI? If there is a concrete form, what is it like?
• What assistance is provided by the agency before and after the female migrant workers work?


Focus Group Discussion (First Session) “Peran Perempuan dan Dapur dalam Kebudayaan Jawa Hari Ini”

Upaya apa yang harus dilakukan agar kebudayaan Jawa bisa beradaptasi dengan fenomena kesetaraan gender?
Senin, 15 November 2021
Pukul 19.00 – 21.30 WIB

Sri Margana – Dosen
Baiq Wardhana – Dosen
Dhyta Caturani – Aktivis Gender
Nining Elitos – Ketua Umum Kongres Aliansi Serikat Buruh Indonesia
Yasmine Aminanda – Observer, Gender Studies
Perwakilan 7 PMI Perempuan Klampisan Banyuwangi
Jihan Fauziah – Moderator, Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Jakarta

Ceramah dan Topik Diskusi

  • Bagaimana studi tentang gender membahas dua peran perempuan – “di dapur” dan “di luar dapur”?
  • Sejarah dan realitas masa kini kebudayaan Jawa tentang perempuan dan dapur.
  • Harapan sebagai pekerja migran perempuan Indonesia terkait pelemahan peran perempuan dalam kebudayaan Jawa.
  • Apa yang harus dilakukan negara untuk mengakomodasi pengetahuan-pengetahuan / transfer teknologi yang didapatkan TKW?